Recognizing that grief plays a big part in the lives of those who are caregivers and the GUILT that often follows us as we grieve, must be addressed in order to care better… for ourselves and for those who we care for.
I would love the opportunity to come and share my story with your grief support group or perhaps your caregiver support group.
Lilly Adrian
The Bridge of Time, LLC.
Memory Care Program Developer, Trainer and Consultant.
CDP, ADC, CADDCT, CALM, BS Soc/Psych, Advanced Grief Facilitator
Author of: Stories From the Heart; The Walk of a Widow
Laadrian1953@yahoo.com, 325-864-0031
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“Stories From The Heart; The Walk of a Widow”
This book has been a work in progress for me for almost 15 years. But it is FINISHED….and God’s plan for it is to be SHARED with those who too have experienced a true broken heart…a TRUE PHYSICAL CONDITION brought on by grief; that painful emotion we experience due to the loss of one we have loved. The deeper we LOVE the deeper the PAIN!
Sharing our stories is vital to the healing process of grief caused from the loss of those we love. Recognizing the PAIN from GRIEF and the true depth of it, helps one grasp the HARD journey before them. When it comes to a spouse, the pain will often seem intensified, because of the guilt, anger, anxiety, loneliness, and sense of despair. Also, because we cannot FIX IT.
Much of the grieving process, and the way we walk through it, can depend on our support system, our spiritual beliefs, our families, and our friends. You will find throughout this book that all the above are mentioned in my journey and that without each piece of this puzzle, I could not have made it.
Had it not been for HIS AMAZING GRACE I would not be able to share with you today, the “Stories of My Heart.”
I learned quickly to cling to His word. Reading Psalms 32:7 daily brought me such peace. “You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.”
There are many losses for one who has dementia and of course certainly much grief for their family who watches this slow process of death that has walked through or is walking through this painful journey called GRIEF.
GRIEF IS GRIEF IS GRIEF…. regardless of the package it comes in. This book, MY STORY, covers grief in many packages.
Click here to ORDER BOOK.
Dear Friends,
None of us know when our lives will take a turn….one we did not anticipate until MUCH later in life….yet, came our way as if it were a soft rain that turned into a raging storm. The pain sometimes feels as though it cannot be survived…. YET….we continue to walk…with all the bruises and scars….searching for relief from this disbelief.
Fourteen years ago, after the loss of my precious husband of 30 years…. I began this journey….not knowing for sure if I would ever be able to call myself a SURVIVOR. Truly, I am STILL not sure I am a survivor….but I am walking again…..not by sight…but by FAITH. I felt very strongly that my “stories” of this journey must not be in vain….but instead….be used to strengthen those who walk this similar walk. Grief…is Grief….is Grief..no matter the package it comes in. And we must give ourselves permission to GRIEVE in a manner that works best for us, with no apologies. But quite honestly…without the pure love…unconditional love….extended to me by many of you….but most of all, by my Heavenly Father….I would still be in desperation and pain unimaginable….just trying to breathe again.
Thus the reason I opened myself up to share my “Stories From the Heart: The Walk of a Widow”, which just became LIVE and available on many markets this past week. I ask that you go online…and read the tidbits on the websites….developed by Westbow/Zondervan publishers…..and see if this book is one that you feel as though, could be used as a tool to serve others who are aching to find peace after a great loss. I would be so blessed to come and share this book with any of your prayer groups….or grief ministries within your church.
Perhaps there is a name missing on this email….that you know….that needs this support….and absolutely never let the cost of the book be a hinderance to someone who needs to have it in their hands….but maybe they too have a grief group that would like for me to come and share my heart.
I have worked hard….much prayer has gone into this simple to read, to the point…filled with God’s mercy…book….and it MUST be used for HIS GLORY.
I pray many blessings over your Christmas Season.
Click here to ORDER BOOK.